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Vaping Vs Smoking: A Comprehensive Comparison

While the debate between vaping vs smoking goes on, most people ask themselves where they fit in in terms of creating a healthy and balanced life. The two are however different in that vaping as pointed out earlier has different characteristics from smoking and they also have different effects on the health of the users, users experience and perception by society. Now that you know what vaping is and what it does, let’s compare vaping and smoking in this blog post so that you can make the right decision.

Health Impacts: Effects of vaping as a safe alternative to smoking

In the context of impacting health, smoking is fairly known to be a menace to the public. Other products of conventional cigarettes are thousands of compounds, with many of them being toxic and cancerous. There are toxic substances in the cinders which are emitted from the burning of tobacco and include carcinogenic tar, and carbon monoxide gasses which cause lung cancers, heart diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

E-cigarettes, however, are generally promoted as a healthier or safer anti-smoking practice. E-cigarettes and other vaping devices such as the Kado Bar use a liquid solution, also known as e-juice or vape juice, which can contain nicotine, flavors, and other substances. Studies about the later consequences of vaping are still going on and thus despite being a safer option than smoking is not completely harmless.

Nicotine Content and Addiction


Vaping and smoking both contain nicotine which is a very powerful addictive substance. With traditional cigarettes, the nicotine is inhaled through the burning of tobacco; such a process results in the arising of so many other unfriendly byproducts. Vaping also enables the user to regulate the amount of nicotine in the e-liquids; from a high level to no level at all. That propensity can be advantageous for any consumer interested in tapering or removing their dependence on nicotine.


User Experience: Smoke versus Vapor


In many regards, smoking and vaping are two very different sensations. Tobacco smoking entails taking in smoke generated from the burning of tobacco and it generates a rather sharp and unpleasant feel at the throat and lung regions. Smoke smell is long-lasting and is resident on fabrics, hair, and furnishings as a source of discomfort to the smoker and people around.

Cost Comparison

Cost is also an important factor or criterion one needs to take into consideration of vaping against smoking. Smoking is considered an expensive practice which does mean that the cost of a pack of cigarettes rises with time. In most countries cigarette prices are pushed up even higher by taxes meant to discourage smoking.

Social and Legal Implications

Smoking has been banned in most public facilities because it is now understood that second hand smoke is very dangerous to one’s health. Thus smokers are often confined to smoking zones or have to go out in the open to smoke a cigarette.

Environmental Considerations

It can be seen that smoking has quite a bad influence on the environment. Smoking also involves disposal of cigarette butts which are one of the most famous types of litter in the world, while manufacturing of cigarettes is also one cause of deforestation and pollution.

Vaping, as still not quite harmless, is less environmentally damaging in comparison to smoking. Vape products are often reusable; besides, e-liquid bottles and disposable vapes produce waste comparatively fewer in number than cigarette ash.


Conclusion: Which is Better?

One could still question which is better: smoking or vaping, the answer lies in one’s preferences, medical conditions, and the general way of life. In a nutshell, these chemicals are likely to cause health risks especially to smokers.

At Kado Bar, we strongly support customer sovereignty which means that a customer must be fully informed. If you are a smoker planning on transitioning to vaping or a vaping enthusiast seeking quality products we are here to assist you with quality vaping devices and vaping e-liquids.



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